Regular price $ 33.99

- Country: Switzerland
- Rennet: Animal
- Treatment/Milk : Unpasteurized cow
Challerhocker, pronounced "holler hocker", meaning "sitting in the cellar" is a Swiss cheese washed in brine and spices and then aged for a minimum of 12 months. Made from thermalized milk, the cheese is dense and smooth without any holes or cracks. The repeated brine washing and extended ageing reveal a great depth of flavour and texture, unlike any Swiss cheese. Its initial aroma and flavour is a lovely concoction of roasted peanuts, melted leeks, brown butter, sweet cream and caramel. Made by cheesemaker Walter Rass, the lingering silky, salty finish of Challerhocker makes it an ideal cheese for the winter months. The cheese pairs ideally with a glass of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Cider.